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Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Speak Out! Balancing my Passions

by Abby Blinn

Writing is my passion. A passion that takes my complete focus and concentration. No matter the topic or length of the article/story, my full attention to that project is crucial. However, in the busy life of a parent of various aged children, working from home, time to devote my full focus and concentration on any one thing for any amount of time is rare and often fleeting. “All things in moderation”, you say? My children and husband don’t always feel the same when it comes to their time with me.

To clarify: I love my kiddos and my husband more than life, they are my reason. However, to be the mom and wife I want to be and the mom and wife that my brilliant, insane family needs and deserves, I have learned that I need that therapeutic time all alone to recharge my battery. My favorite escape? Writing. Whether it is writing an article on something familiar or perhaps something that I’ve never researched before. The chance to create worlds and submerge myself in a life of fantasy or historical excitement. Fan fic, taking an adventure while I control what happens next, or...well, the possibilities are quite literally endless!

Finding time to devote to these sanity saving literary adventures, and not so adventurous articles, is difficult. Writing while multitasking other parts of my life is sadly not a skill that I possess. It is also not something I can create a schedule around. If the inspiration and the ideas aren’t there, there is no forcing it. I find frustration in constant interruption. There is no private space for writing while I balance my job as a mom/wife/chauffeur/maid/cook/etc. Learning to be flexible is an ongoing work in progress.

The compromise that I have found, over time, that works best for me is to do my research when I do not have time to dedicate to writing my ideas or opinions in story or article form. I always carry a notebook to scribble ideas into as they pop into my head so I don’t lose the often elusive inspiration when it presents itself! So, when that precious and exhilarating moment of inspiration hits AND I have time to sit down and create, all my notes and research are right there and ready!

Real talk: I have stayed up all night with music in my ears while everyone else slept, just to get everything out of my head before that inspiration slipped back into the wind to travel to the next writer waiting for it. I always end up with writers hangover the next morning, but zero regrets.

It sounds so easy while explaining it, but this is my daily struggle between the two passions in my life. My amazing family that gives me purpose and unconditional love while making me completely insane and my writing that helps ground me by giving me wings when I need them... while making me completely insane.

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Abby Blinn writes for the passion of it. Realizing her love of writing and creating stories at a very young age, that passion stayed constant through many life changes, finding inspiration in all things. Though writing novels is Abby’s ultimate goal, she values participation in freelance writing and editing for the incredible community of fellow artists and to keep her "writing muscles" strong. Her other passions include, goofing off with her family, the outdoors, world-fusion dance, and the fantastical world of video games.
Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Abby--Have you ever tried doing NaNoWriMo? If not, you might consider it this November. That way, you can (perhaps) convince your family that it will only be one single super-crazy month.

    It IS difficult to balance both the life of a writer and the life of a writer. However, someone who is happier because of their art is also a happier wife and mother.

    Good luck with your future endeavors.

    1. I have! Thank you for that feedback! I actually just my first email yesterday reminding me they have springtime programs coming up! I love that you participate too :)

  2. I feel like I struggle from the same thing. And I know a lot of writers who feel this way too. Where there is a will there's a way!

    1. The struggle is real, though not nice that it affects so many others, it IS nice to know that we are not alone in the struggle.


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