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Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday Speak Out!: Adventures in Ghostwriting

by Ayushi Pareek

In the past few weeks, I have written several articles, blog-posts, and even product descriptions for various websites. All under someone else’s name. It all started when I realized that I need to earn more money if I want a happy life. That was the moment when I seriously started searching for work. I found a lot of it online, but it still feels like I am stepping on eggshells. You never really know who to trust at first, and unfortunately, I had no one to guide me.

After weeks of struggle and bouts of depression; I landed my first job. It was a ghostwriting gig for a travel blog. I researched like a maniac and wrote, they published the article but the author’s description described a man I have never met. I wonder how he really writes, or if he even exists. How much of this world is really what it seems? Beyond this initial heartbreak, was the fact that this was letting me be financially independent doing what I enjoyed.

I am not saying there is a scarcity of resources for writers who want to publish their work. There are a lot of websites publishing content with proper attribution. But if you are stuck in a rut, desperately  in need of money, and can sacrifice your ego a little, ghostwriting might be the way to go. Search around; if you really want to make a living writing, the resources are abundant. So before you even consider giving up on this career; take some time to figure if it’s only money that is forcing you to quit. If it is, why not give ghostwriting a go?

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Ayushi considers herself a jack of all trades and master of none. She can be found writing like a madwoman in several coffee houses in Bangalore, India or here on WordPress.
Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Ayushi--I've read several writers' accounts of their ghostwriting experiences, and I must say... I'm intrigued.

    It sounds like you've found a great way to utilize your talents AND make money at the same time--which is what we all want as writers. Congratulations.

  2. I really like how positive you are in this post. I like your fighting spirit, and I agree with you 100 percent. Plus EVERY writing gig makes you a better writer, whether or not you are getting the credit. You are getting the experience and the credit for your resume. Happy holidays!

  3. Way to stick with it, Ayushi! I think we have to search around and try new markets to figure out what works for us and pays the bills. Ghostwriting is definitely a great gig if you don't mind being invisible and provides the opportunity for a solid career. Thanks for sharing and good luck! :)


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