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Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Giving Kind of Writing Challenge

I woke up this morning thinking about a few people on my shopping list and wondering what I would give them. I had a couple writing projects still to finish as well, and so before I even completely opened my eyes, my brain was pinging with all these challenges.

And that, my friends, is an inside look into a writer’s brain and how lounging about in bed can sometimes lead to a splendiferous idea. To wit:

This December, how about challenging yourself to give a few words to the writers you know? Just a teensy bit of your time and talent, little thoughts here and there to spread a little writer cheer.

Do you have a writer friend who has a blog? Write a comment on the latest post, thanking her (or him) for all the words shared and enjoyed.

How about those friends who are published in magazines? You can often find the online version of the magazine, and you can read the story or article and leave a comment there.

But maybe your writer friend has a story in an anthology, a Chicken Soup for the Soul kind of book. That calls for a personal email, just a quick note of congratulations.

And of course, if your writer friend has her very own book, you can take a moment to leave that nice review you’ve been meaning to write. Or maybe “like” a review that’s already listed. Take a picture of the book if you see the title out in a bookstore or library and share the spotting in your social media with a “Hey! Look at my friend’s fabulous book.” A little writer recognition (and promotion) is always great for lifting spirits.

Or maybe your writer friend’s been generous with critique, a line edit, or terrific feedback on something you’ve written. Maybe she’s sat through hours long lunches, commiserating. Give that friend a heartfelt note of appreciation.

Spend a few extra moments lounging about in bed and get creative with your own ideas for this splendiferous December writing challenge. Then take a moment or two to send a kind word here and there to writers you love. I promise you’ll prove that old adage correct.

It really is better to give than receive!

~Cathy C. Hall


  1. It IS wonderful to give to our friends--especially our writer friends--because writers are in need of extra encouragement.

    Thanks for the reminder, Cathy.

  2. Just had a thought. Another way you can give is to leave a nice recommendation for a writer/editor friend on LinkedIn!

  3. Yes! Even when it's not Christmas,I try to leave positive comments on Goodreads as well.
    Merry Christmas, Cathy!

  4. Love your blogs, Cathy :) I wish you and yours a fantastic Christmas and New Year's day! Feeling the spirit!

  5. Thank you, Cathy, for your contributions to *this* blog! Your posts are always great.

  6. Great post, as usual, Cathy, with wonderful ideas! Merry Christmas!

  7. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Cathy, great post! Read this at the beginning of the day; thoughtful!

  8. What a heartwarming idea! I followed you here, by the way, because your comments on people's blogs always strike me as clever and kind and wise. Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

  9. As always, Master Y, wonderful advice. I'll follow it right now and thank you for all the tips and links you provide and for the time you spend making your Writing Tribe stronger. You are appreciated and admired more than you know!

  10. It's a Wonderful Idea, Cathy! Merry Christmas to you and yours and special wishes for a peaceful and prosperous new year.

  11. Fantastic ideas! Thanks for reminding us to share the love and good wishes. Thank you for being so dedicated to helping all of us writers with your wit, humor, and sage advice! Happy holidays!

  12. Oh, you've all warmed my little writing heart! Thank YOU for reading and taking the time to comment all through the year!

  13. Excellent ideas, Cathy! And Renee, that's a GREAT addition. I need to get over to LinkedIn and give some recommendations. =)

    Thank you Cathy for your amazing posts this year! xo


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