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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Want to Increase Your Subscriber List? 4 Power Strategies to Get You There

by Karen Cioffi

Everyone marketing, including writers and authors, is looking for ways to get ‘more bang’ out of their blogging efforts. In other words, getting more visitors to click on their subscriber opt-in box.

Well, while the most important factor is to create great content, there are other strategies you can use to boost your conversions (clicks to subscribe).

4 Power Tips to Increase Your Subscriber List

1. Social proof

Social proof is powerful. It’s using screen shots, comments from others, and so on to show that others find your content valuable.

People are motivated by what others like. Adding a Tweet by someone who said your post was great, provides social proof that you’re worth reading. Including an image of a favorable Facebook or Google+ comment lets the visitor to your blog quickly know that others value what you write.

It could even be a screenshot of being on Google’s First SERP or an analytics page that shows you’re getting lots of traffic.

All this is social proof that your content is worth reading, that you have authority. This will help motivate the reader to say YES to your CTA.

2. Powerful website headers with subscriber opt-ins

Along with having a ‘professional looking’ header on your website. There are WordPress themes that come with a ‘widgetized header’ (having special space to input the code for an optin). This is a powerful feature. It’s one of the first things the visitor to your site will see and it’s proven to increase conversion.

3. Moving Call-to-Actions

This type of call-to-action (CTA) comes in at least two different forms. There is the pop-up CTA that pops onto your screen a few seconds after you land on a site. Often, these CTAs block the view of what you were reading.

There is also the slide-in CTA. The slide-in isn’t as intrusive or annoying as the pop-up, as they slide into your view from the right. And, they don’t block your entire view.

Marketing research shows that both these moving CTAs convert, so it’s certainly worth testing out.

4. CTAs at the bottom of each post

I’ve been doing this for quite a while now. It’s an excellent strategy. The reason it’s so powerful is after the visitor reads one of your knock-out articles, there’s your CTA to subscribe. It’s right there, front and center.

It’s important with this strategy to have a ‘freebie offer’ that’s relevant to the content the visitor just read.

Using these four fresh email marketing strategies should definitely help increase your subscriber list. Try at least one today.


Karen Cioffi is a former accountant who is now a multi-award-winning author, ghostwriter, freelance writer, editor, and author-writer online platform marketing instructor. She founded and manages Writers on the Move (a marketing group), and presents online writing and marketing workshops and webinars.

Karen has published 12 writing and marketing eBooks, the most recent, Article Marketing: Increase Website Traffic with Properly Formatted and Search Engine Optimized Content.

In addition to this, Karen’s website, Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing, was named Writer’s Digest Website of the Week, June 25, 2012.

Join Karen Cioffi's upcoming online class, 

Learn to Write Professional, Properly Formatted, and Optimized Content 
as the Basis of a New Freelance Writing Business 
or to Add to Your Existing Services.

Visit our classroom page for details and enrollment.



  1. Thanks for sharing my article, WOW!

  2. Thank you for the great tips Karen! Very useful, as always.


  3. Andrea, I'm so glad you found the article useful! Thanks so much for letting me know!


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