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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Enthusiasm 24/7

I've been organizing WOW blog tours for six years! Can you believe it? Just this week an author sent me an email apologizing for sending multiple emails about an issue we were discussing concerning the promotion of her book. She was ",,,anxious with fitting all the pieces together." I didn't want an
apology, I wanted to hold her up as an example to authors everywhere.

Enthusiasm is an author's best friend. After all, if you -- the person who created it word by word -- aren't excited about your book, how can you expect complete strangers to get excited? Enthusiasm is also contagious. People will remember your excitement when describing your book to their friends and inject a bit of that into their descriptions when passing on the word about your book.

So after you finish your book move on to your next big challenge: enthusiasm 24/7. As an author (a successful author) you can never lose your enthusiasm. It doesn't matter if your talking to a Kirkus reviewer, a blogger with a following of 100 or your mailman. Pull out all the stops in telling them what you think is so great about your book. Don't focus on who you're talking to as much as who THEY might talk to. You don't know who (or who many people) they might tell. The elevator speech you honed to perfection for your last writer's conference is not just for people in the publishing industry. Dust it off and try working it into conversation with everyone you meet.

Don't let your enthusiasm end with just your person-to-person interactions. Let it spill over to your website. Instead of a static collection of information include fun activities, quizzes and information that will keep people coming back. The same with your presence on social media. Be the author people remember and they will remember (and hopefully read) your book.

Good luck and stay enthusiastic!

Jodi Webb is a blog tour organizer for WOW-Women on Writing and would love to hear about your book and promotional needs at Right now she's looking for dates for a tour of Michelle Dim-St. Pierre's Pinnacle Lust and Barbara Barth's A Dog Dreams of Paris. She blogs about books at Words by Webb and Building Bookshelves

1 comment:

  1. JOdi: This is so true! You can never lose your enthusiasm because no one but you is as enthusiastic about your book. :)Thanks for this reminder.


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