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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Meet Eve Bradshaw, Runner-Up in WOW’s Winter 2014 Flash Fiction Contest

Today we welcome Eve Bradshaw, freelance writer and runner up in our Winter 2014 Flash Fiction Contest. Eve enjoys writing autobiographical snippets, and so does her character, Carl. Please take a moment to enjoy The Writer’s Group (I’ll bet at least one of these characters will remind you of someone), but remember to come back and meet Eve!

Eve’s Bio

On Twitter (@EPeevie) I describe myself as a “writer trying to find her place and purpose in the world.” You would think that at age 52, I would have already figured those things out—but they are moving targets. I’ve aimed for a career as a writer since I wrote a “Where Will I Be in Ten Years” essay in tenth grade describing my future life as a magazine writer living in the mountains of North Carolina. To this day I don’t know if North Carolina even has mountains—but I never stopped writing. I write personal journals, journals for each of my children, and autobiographical snippets that will eventually become a best-selling memoir. My gainful employment has always involved a great deal of writing, and I have made a career prostituting my writing skills as a freelancer (Eve Bradshaw and Associates) for a variety of public, private, and corporate clients. Writing for clients pays the bills, but it doesn’t feed my soul; and so I started blogging in 2007. The Green Room has attracted upwards of seven loyal followers.

WOW: Hello Eve, congratulations and welcome to The Muffin! I see you write mostly non-fiction and biographical; what prompted you to write a short story and enter it WOW’s Flash Fiction contest?

Eve: The money and fabulous prizes. JK! I had come up with the idea of writing a short story about a writers’ group while I was actually attending my writers’ group because they’re such quirky and interesting people. After I wrote the story, I came across the WOW contest online, and it seemed like a perfect match.

WOW: It’s so fun when things come together like that! Speaking of interesting characters, it sounds like Carl has a bit of a past... Where did the inspiration come from for the back story of Carl and Delia?

Eve: Actually, I don’t usually write from inspiration. I write stories one line at a time, and see where they take me. Conversely, I suppose I could also say that my inspiration is everything that ever happens to me and everything that anyone ever says to me. It’s all potential material.

WOW: As someone on a daily diet of business writing, I imagine writing a flash fiction piece was a nice change in routine. Tell us about your experience writing The Writer’s Group.

Eve: I started with the concept of a writers’ group, and then began putting people around the table. I didn’t want the story to be about my own writers’ group, exactly—that’s going to go in my best-selling memoir. So I placed them in a diner in a farming town in the Midwest. I loved creating the characters. I’m more like Delia than Carl—minus the wild curls, stunning beauty, and elegant legs. OK, I’m nothing like Delia, except that I live in a city.

WOW: Maybe you were getting in touch with your inner-Delia (smile). In 1999 you launched your freelance career with a focus on business writing; what tips do you have for someone wanting to start their own business in that field?

Eve: I was only able to freelance after I spent time working “real” jobs that involved lots of writing. People that I worked with over the years valued my writing and editing. When I left the nine-to-five world, I pestered everyone I had ever worked with and asked them for projects or referrals.

WOW: How do you balance deadlines and “mom-time”?

Eve: My kids are old enough now that I can go in my office, shut the door, and ignore their cries for food. When they were younger, even though I was working from home, I had to hire a babysitter to keep them occupied and away from me so I could concentrate.

WOW: Those are some good tips! Gather initial business from friends and family, and hire a babysitter when necessary to help stay on track.

Thank you for visiting with us today, Eve. We hope to see you again in one of our upcoming contests.


  1. Robyn--Thanks for sharing the link and the interview.

    Eve--I loved your story. In just a few words, you truly piqued my interest.

    (That Carl is a river that runs deep.)

    Good luck with your freelancing.

  2. Hi Sioux--I agree, sounds like Carl might have a few stories in his past :)

  3. Sioux, thanks for your kind words. I see that you are a Listen To Your Mother alum. Congrats! I got as far as auditions this year for the Chicago show.


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