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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Book Review: Blueberry Hill by Bette Lee Crosby, Review by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto

I have read each of Bette Lee Crosby’s books and can say Blueberry Hill has become my favorite. It is written with the heartwarming Crosby style I have come to love, but the touch of memoir makes the story stick with you long after you’ve closed the cover. I don’t even have a sister and I can still say this is a book you’ll want to share with your friends. Whether you’ve experienced loss, the pain of addiction in your family, or even if like myself you don’t have a sibling, there is something about Blueberry Hill that will touch your soul and make you an instant Crosby fan and follower.

Blueberry Hill is a story about two sisters but it is also a story about strength, family, unwavering love, and of course loss. The interactions between Bette and her sister, Donna, will leave you laughing one moment and in tears the next. You won’t want to miss a page as the story unfolds. Crosby always has a way of bringing relationships to life in her storytelling and Blueberry Hill is no exception. This is a five star read that I would recommend to anyone who said they were looking for a good book. Kudos to Bette Lee Crosby on another top seller!


From the USA Today Bestselling Author of Spare Change comes the heartwarming story Blueberry Hill, a Sister’s Story.

Based on the realities of her own family, Crosby calls this a memoir of sorts. Traveling back to a time when the sisters were young enough to feel invincible and foolish enough to believe it would last forever, Crosby has bared her soul in a story of regrettable decisions and inevitable outcomes.

Blueberry Hill is a tale of family relationships, love and tragedy. It is a story that will touch your heart and stay with you long after you have closed the book.
• 111 Pages
• Publisher: Bent Pine Publishing (June 27,2014)
• Sold by: Amazon
• ASIN: B00LD76K5I

Bette Lee Crosby Biography: USA Today Bestselling and Award-winning novelist Bette Lee Crosby brings
the wit and wisdom of her Southern Mama to works of fiction--the result is a delightful blend of humor, mystery and romance along with a cast of quirky charters who will steal your heart away.

Born in Detroit and raised in a plethora of states scattered across the South and Northeast, Crosby originally studied art and began her career as a packaging designer. When asked to write a few lines of copy for the back of a pantyhose package, she discovered a love for words that was irrepressible. After years of writing for business, she turned to works of fiction and never looked back. "Storytelling is in my blood," Crosby laughingly admits, "My mom was not a writer, but she was a captivating storyteller, so I find myself using bits and pieces of her voice in most everything I write."

Crosby's work was first recognized in 2006 when she received The National League of American Pen Women Award for a then unpublished manuscript. Since that, she has gone on to win several more awards, including another NLAPW award, Royal Palm Literary Awards, the FPA President's Book Award Gold Medal and Reviewer's Choice Award and Reader's View Southeast Fiction Literary Award.
Her published works to date are: Jubilee's Journey (2013), What Matters Most (2013), The Twelfth Child (2012), Cupid's Christmas (2012), Cracks in the Sidewalk (2011), Spare Change (2011), and Life in the Land of IS (2012). Life in the Land of IS is a memoir written for Lani Deauville, a woman the Guinness Book of Records lists as the world's longest living quadriplegic.

Photo Courtesy of Olivia Brey & Oh! Photography
Crystal is a church musician, business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Reedsville, Wisconsin with her husband, three young children (Carmen 7, Andre 6, Breccan 10 months), two dogs, two rabbits, four little piggies, and over 200 Holsteins. You can find Crystal blogging and reviewing books and all sorts of other stuff at:


  1. Thanks for sharing this book with us, Crystal! Best of luck to you Bette.

  2. Thanks Margo. This one is very close to my heart because it is about my sister.

  3. Anonymous4:05 PM

    My partner and I have each had sister "issues" this past year. After each of us spending several years "being there" for our sisters, his had a breakdown of sorts and is under the supervision of a psychiatrist, mine went full betrayal against me to the point of slander. I wish we could bring what we know now into the past and make different choices. Looking forward to reading your book!


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