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Thursday, January 06, 2011

Reflection on 'What's Top of Your Mind'

In my previous post, ‘What’s Top of Your Mind?’ I wrote on how Terri Lonier, founder of the now-defunct Working Solo newsletter for solo entrepreneurs, did an article on how a simple question from a close friend, “What’s top of mind?” not only opened the door to meaningful conversation but caused her to ponder on what’s really foremost in her thoughts.

Ms. Lonier sayd the question, “makes you consider what is most important in your life and work, and what commands your attention at present.” I love that! Too often clutter worms its way into our minds and soon, the tasks that need to be dealt with--like our writing, perhaps?--gets dropped or ignored altogether. Don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of that!

As I reread the article, I found it interesting that two of the questions listed resonated with me again and in examining why, I saw a progression in my writing.

* What has brought you the most joy or satisfaction recently? Why?

Definitely being part of a film shoot. The local non-profit that I’ve worked with for about a decade (wow!) filmed its first movie from late spring through late fall last year and as part of the production team, I was a camera operator, lighting and makeup assistant. I’ve always been interested in and would like to get into filmmaking. I loved the experience---even the grueling 15-hour shoot where I briefly second-guessed my choice of friends and working partners. Good experience to help develop my screenwriting skills.

* What idea, experience, or encounter intrigues you enough that you want to share it (and perhaps launch a discussion) with someone like Jerry (Ms. Lonier’s friend referenced in the article)?

I’ve shared the above experience with a writer friend currently living in Dubai. We’ve kept each other up-to-date on our writing over the years. Besides being encouraging and uplifting, conversations with her help me walk through what top of mind and keep me focused.

You can check out the full article in the Working Solo archives here:

What’s top of your mind?

Good question to ask in reflecting on what's really happening with you and your writing throughout the year.

By Jill Earl

Photo Credit: Microsoft

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