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Friday, December 03, 2010

Friday Speak Out!: 7 Ways to Help Writers Survive the Holidays, Guest Post by Cindy Kerschner

7 Ways to Help Writers Survive the Holidays

by Cindy Kerschner

We're all stretched a little thinner around the holidays; between family visits, catching up with friends, shopping and party obligations, what's a writer to do? This time of year, I stare more at the calendar than I do the clock. That says a lot because I'm a big clock watcher.

Instead of stressing out about it, let this time of year inspire you with new ideas for articles and stories. Here are a few samples from my own ghosts of Christmas past.

1. Write about the consequences of living with dyslexia after you realize your guests arrive on the 12th not the 21st.

2. Hit the home decorating magazine market with tips for cleaning and decorating at the same time; for example, spray painting dust bunnies red and green for Christmas.

3. Surprise the food magazines with your knowledge of cheese acquired from deli counter sampling.

4. Write about the benefits of measuring your car, doorways, and living room ceiling before cutting down and trying to transport a live tree from the farm to your home.

5. Advise parents how to handle your child's hysteria when she finds out you forgot to buy cookies and milk for Santa. Explain that Santa is on a diet and lactose intolerant.

6. Share your survival tips on how to camp out on Black Friday Eve at the Megamart without losing your place in line and not get a bladder infection.

7. Write an article for a blog about how help writers survive the holidays.

Remember that personal experience articles are always in demand. Wow, look at the date! Gotta run!

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Cindy Kerschner lives and works in Northeast PA where she writes, draws, cooks and gardens but not necessarily at the same time. Visit Cindy's website at


Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!


1 comment:

  1. One More: how to remember to ALWAYS take a pad and pencil along just in case!


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