In searching for writing organizations geared towards women, I came across a few based in the U.S. and abroad, with interests ranging from playwriting to journalism. Check them below.
International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG)
Uses writing to empower all women, regardless of their writing expertise. Benefits include the Network Journal, reduced fees for IWWG events, and a literary agent list. They have two major events: "Remember the Magic", a week-long conference at Brown University; and the New York-based "Big Apple Workshop: Meet the Editors", which takes place twice a year over a weekend.
American News Women Club (ANWC)
Expands the advancement of women in the media professions. Members represent newspapers, radio and television, publishing companies, independent authors, online publications, public relations firms, corporations, academic institutions, and government. Members have access to club facilities; professional development workshops and seminars; Shop Talk, the monthly newsletter; the annual "Helen Thomas Award" Benefit Gala; monthly networking events; parties; embassy visits and more.
Association for Women in Communications
Seeks to advance women in print and broadcast journalism, television and radio production, film, advertising, public relations, marketing, graphic design, multi-media design, and photography. Both students and professionals are welcome to join and benefits include a job board; the bimonthly Communiqué newsletter; the annual conference; and chapters.
Black Writers Alliance (accepts both women and men as members)
Supports the growth and development of young, new, emerging, and established writers by providing access to members-only forums; the annual Black Writers Reunion & Conference; contests; workshops and job referral services.
Sisters in Crime (SINC)
SINC offers networking, advice and support to mystery writers. Offers InSinC, the quarterly newsletter; regional chapters; 'The Guppies', a support and critique group for unpublished writers; and the monthly SinC Links—a digest about the mystery business.
Romance Writers of America (RWA)
One of the largest writing organizations in the world, it supports the interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy. There’s an annual conference; local chapters offering a number of contests and workshops; opportunities for outreach; the Romance Writers Report, and other resources.
Society of Women Writers, Victoria Inc (SWWV)
Based in Australia, it provides women writers with information and support through monthly meetings; the Write Away newsletter; workshops and seminars; conferences; competitions and awards. Also strengthens ties between women writers in Australia and overseas.
The International Centre for Women Playwrights (ICWP)
Run entirely by volunteer playwrights, directors, performers and others, it supports female playwrights from around the world. Offers the Seasons Journal; professional development grants; monthly opportunities through The Official Playwrights of Facebook Group; and other benefits.
I'm sure there's some organizations I've missed. If you happen to know of any others , please share!
Here's an addition to your list, Jill: www.storycircle.org. We're an international nonprofit membership organization for women memoirists and lifewriters. We sponsor competitions, conferences, a book review site, an editorial site, and many other programs.