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Saturday, January 03, 2009

National Clean Up Your Computer Month

By Jill Earl

I found out about it while reviewing last year’s and working on 2009’s writing goals.

It’s National Clean Up Your Computer Month. I had no idea, but I’m glad I know now. I didn’t keep on top of this important task in the past, and paid the price when my laptop went blank a couple of months ago. In the midst of a major freak-out, I managed to get past the “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s” and choice curses, and dialed up the help desk. With their assistance, I was back in business within a few days.

Lesson learned, folks. This observance will become a mainstay from now on.

Need a little guidance with getting your own computer up to speed? Here are a couple of websites to get you started:

The League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA) is geared more towards those in system administration, but it still offers tips that anyone can use, such as installing current software updates and security tools. Their tips are for PC users.

You’ll find some of the same tips at Learn to Write Fiction, along with links for Mac users. There's also a link that can take you step-by-step through each procedure.

League of Professional System Administrators

Learn to Write Fiction

Schedule some time to clean up your computer this month. Perhaps you can combine this time with Clean Off Your Desk Day on January 12.

Shouldn't your fresh start for 2009 include your computer too?


  1. Oh, great post, Jill! I've been cleaning and organizing desk and office and didn't even think about the computer. Does that include the crumbs under the keys?

    Seriously, I'm so paranoid about my computer dying I save docs in so many places it's ridiculous. Kind of like my Grandma saving money in her sock. But that's another story...

    Off to check out your links.

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Not only should it be clean up your computer but BACKUP your computer files month should probably be started too!

    I have an external hard drive and put everything on that. Plus I have webspace and upload stuff there because I know whatever happens its always online.

    So a backup and a backup's backup!


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