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Monday, April 14, 2008

Mom Writer's Literary Magazine Contest

We received a contest listing call from our friends at MWLM that we thought you would enjoy!

From the Editors:

Mom Writer's Literary Magazine is currently accepting submissions for our first-line writing contest, from 3/31 - 5/16/08, with a $10 entry fee. It may be creative non-fiction or fiction and should be between 700 - 1,200 words.

The first line of your entry must be, "I knew what I was supposed to be doing, but my desires distracted me..."

The work will be judged by MWLM Editors, and they will choose one grand prize winner to receive $100!

Please visit their website for more details:

Good luck and happy writing!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Saturday, April 19, 2008

    Glad to find site.
    I am a 3 time published author looking to take my writing
    and publishing to the next level.

    My 3 non fiction books are
    A Black Woman Speaks
    Coping With Inner-Turmoil
    365 Days of Prayer

    It will be great to communicate with other women writer.
    Looking to freelance as well.
    Also looking for an agent.

    Let me hear from you

    Posted by Cherry Scott-Jones


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