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Sunday, July 01, 2007

2007 Spring Contest Update

For those of you anxiously awaiting the announcement of our Spring 2007 Flash Fiction Contest Winners: We will be officially announcing them with our July Issue, "The Self-Publishing Travel Guide."

Although we can't give you an exact time or date, please be assured we are working as quickly as humanly possible to roll out this issue. We estimate that it won't be live for a couple more days. In addition to finishing the articles in the issue and having our webmaster put together the pages, we will be moving to a virtual dedicated server to handle our traffic. These things combined make it quite difficult to predict when the July issue will go up. Please accept our apologies, I know the suspense is killing you!

If you haven't done so already, please sign up for our newsletter to be informed as soon as the issue goes live. And remember, good things are worth waiting for. :-)


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I think it's all a July Fools joke. There is no July issue! :-)

  2. Hi Anonymous...

    I can assure you, there is a July issue.

    There's been a lot going on at WOW! including staff changes, server issues that have crashed our site several times and our contest judge had a family medical emergency that put us a bit behind.

    I know waiting for contest results is really, really hard. Believe me, boy do I know. But we ask that you be patient. The July issue will be here soon.

    It'll be worth the wait. I promise:--)


  3. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Oh, I didn't enter the contest, I just look forward to reading the next issue. Especially since it will focus on self-publishing! We'll be here reading when it's finally up. :-)


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