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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sharing With Writers

Our friend, Carolyn Howard-Johnson has a great newsletter for writers. It's packed full of great tips and a ton of information!

Sharing with Writers: A newsletter that is also a community. Share your ideas. Learn from theirs!

  • To subscribe to 'Sharing with Writers' send an e-mail to with 'subscribe' in the subject line.

Below are a few random bits & pieces from the SWW newsletter:


TIP: After I spoke to the Romance Writers of San Diego on Saturday, I was fortunate enough to hear Jill Limber, National President of RWA, speak on writing synopses. She says the three biggest mistakes writers make when writing synopses is that:
  • They write stiltedly from chapter to chapter rather than aiming for a fluid story (This suggestion may apply less to nonfiction books other than memoirs.)
  • They neglect voice. Voice is important in synopses, no matter how we may feel about writing them (This is an area often neglected by nonfiction writers. Nonfiction doesn't mean the voice must be textbooky.)
  • They neglect characterization. The reader must be taken by characters or the purpose of the synopsis is lost. (Fiction or creative nonfiction only!)


From Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor

(Elizabeth contributes at least one valuable paying resource per SWWissue--either a great place to sell material or find writing craft or promotional idea--and sometimes throws in a resource for you.)

DREAMWALKER GROUP – a free opportunity for writers/authors artists and other creative people to promote themselves and their work at online bookstore

Authors are indexed by their first names and a list of your works and active links to your work is provided. The website has a list of 3,000 participants, and growing. At the bookstore, each profile page gives a historical list of the artist’s works. Each work has a link so that a reader can buy the book immediately via The profile also gives a list of the author’s favorite authors and books … and each of these links to a profile page for that author. This special kind of networking enables readers to find other authors recommended by the authors they already like. In addition, there are subject links to other authors. So if your author writes romance novels, her or his profile page will have a link to other romance novels or mysteries, etc.

To be listed, contact:
Michael Walker:

To see my link:

Find Elizabeth at or her new blog at or at MySpace where you will find a writers' community.


TIP: Children's authors should absolutely try The Reading Tub ( for reviews of their books. BTW, find lots of other resources for reviews on my site at on the Resources for Writers page.



West Hollywood Fair Booth Space: Authors' Coalition is sponsoring a booth at the West Hollywood Fair. The cost is less that the LA Fair because it is a smaller fair. Smaller
means fewer attendees but it also means less competition for attention and West Hollywood also means it will be attended by some Hollywood types. (-: I will be moderating a panel there and that should help drive some traffic to our booth, too.

So, to learn more, e-mail me with "BOOK FAIR" in the subject line at or go to the new blog on fairs (got a new one that works!) at

By the way, this is a cross-promotion effort. Participants need to plan to send out media
releases (with my guidance) and invitations. (-: Check out the fair at


Wordstuff ™

Something to Make Writers Smile
(Every year the Washington Post conducts a neologism contest. These are the winners, one at a time. You might have some favorite neologisms metaphors or similes that make you smile. If so, please contribute.)

"Inoculatte (v): To take coffee intravenously when you are running late."


These were just a few snippets from Carolyn Howard-Johnson's amazing SWW newsletter! Other things included are Carolyn's appearances and teachings, Author Success Stories, Opinion from SWW subscribers, Tips for e-promotion, and news from the Author's Coalition - an organization of writers who help writers!

To subscribe to 'Sharing with Writers' send an e-mail to with 'subscribe' in the subject line.

Happy, happy writing and promoting!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

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